Sunday, August 11, 2013

Little Bighorn Battlefield

It's 8am and I am writing from a motel room in Sheridan, WY. The hot shower was nice but I miss sleeping outside and heating up coffee on a weathered old picnic table as the sun rises. Got to find a campsite for tonight!

Only drove 300 miles yesterday, but it seemed longer than that. Stopped at Little Bighorn National Battlefield Monument about 5pm. It was a warm day and then the high clouds started moving in. This  is a sacred place for sure. The Last Stand Hill is surrounded by black wrought iron fence and markers where placed where the soldiers bodies fell. Many markers only state, "Unknown Soldier 7th Cavalry".  The rolling hills are covered in grasses turning brown from summer heat.

Just below the last stand is a National Cemetery with veterans interned from time of the Indian campaigns all the way up to the Korean War.  This cemetery is surrounded by tall evergreen trees, green manicured lawns and in the center, keeping vigil, is a large American flag flying from a 30' tall pole.

This contrast is stark when viewed from the hill and looking down towards the valley. Dark clouds were building over the distant hills and and short prairie grasses swayed in gentle breeze.

Off to one side was a memorial to the Lakota and Cheyenne tribes that were defending their way of life. Most striking is the metal sculpture depicting warriors on horseback. It is an open web sculpture and you can see through the riders to the grasses and hill behind them as they gallop in front of you.

Well it is now 9am and I need to get moving on. Down through Wyoming and up into South Dakota into the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore.

signing off for now.

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