Friday, August 9, 2013

Made it to Missoula, Montana

It is a late lunch in Missoula and I think it appropriate that I am having lunch at the Stone Accord!

I left Portland about 10:30 am and drove out Interstate 84 along the Columbia River. Even stopped at Hood River to take some photos of the windsurfers. Soon after I headed north up into Washington and drove into Spokane about 5:30pm. They have a river right through town, just like Portland. The temp gage said 91 and I was hesitant about camping out but forecast said it would drop to mid 60s so I risked it. glad I did! nice spot in the trees and only 100 yards away from Little Spokane River. There is a suspension bridge crosses 216' of rapids. Then had a nice time soaking my feet in the cool, clear waters. After I heated up a can of soup for dinner, I was able to get an ice cream sandwich from the Swinging Bridge General Store for a buck!

Feel asleep about 9pm to the sounds of two owls hooting back and forth.  Awoke rested about  6am and  made some coffee,  ate some yogurt and granola and spent a few more minutes taking photos of bridge. Trying to make it to the Missouri Headwaters State Park so I better get out of this nice cool restaurant and back on the road.

More tomorrow


  1. You know I am officially jealous! I think you will inspire me to ................ Well, I don't know just what yet but I think it will involve camping gear, my truck, my camera, and of course Jack my dog.
    your much older brother

  2. Me again, big brother advice. Slow down! Do you know when you will be there again? It is all about the journey not the destination. Which is odd for me to say since we are one of your destinations but enjoy the trip. A line from an old Grateful Dead song, "What a long strange trip it's been". Make it long, make it fun, open our eyes and show us what your see.

  3. Hi Sister,
    It looks and sounds like you are have a great trip. I agree with Brad that you should avoid getting in a rush. There is so much to see and the slow circuitous route my present options and opportunities you never would have considered. Love the picture of your ice-cream sandwich.

    4 of 5


Creekside in Great Smoky Mountain

Creekside in Great Smoky Mountain