Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Center of Kentucky

Saturday, August 17, 2012 - travel day

I backed  my trusty Prius out of Brad and Becky's driveway, while the whole family gathered by the front of the house and waved. Family is a magical thing. You don't pick  the one you are born to. You grow with them as the years go by. I am so lucky to have been born into this family.  We are spread from coast to coast, but they have aways been there for me, through thick and thin, and I hope they can say the same of me. 

I was headed to Lobie's house in Danville, Kentucky. As I said, she may the the eldest, but she is always mistaken as my younger sister! It was a relatively short drive, all interstate except the last half hour down KY 150. It is beautiful rolling hill drive with old barns tucked up in the valleys, and neat trim houses.

Danville is a small town of 16,000 in the center of Kentucky - hence Centre College, named for its geographic location. It is a  private liberal arts college founded in 1819 and its faculty was recently ranked as top 5 in the nation for undergraduate teaching by US News and World Reports. This may be a small college, but is nationally recognized. Lobie's husband, Dr. Clarence Wyatt, is a professor of History and the Centre College Chief Planning Officer. The guy is tall and silver haired and doesn't  fit my Clarence meter, so I have always called him Wyatt.

A few years ago they bought a 1910 American Foursquare house.  Then Lobie led the design to morph this century old house into something grand.  The house was gutted , redesigned, and  renovated into a fabulously warm and inviting home.  It is right on the edge of Centre College, so under a rising moon and balmy breeze,  we walked to a Baskin Robbins shop, picked our scoops, then wandered the campus grounds with old classic buildings and magnolia trees whispering stories of old. 

I had a wonderful time catching up, however, Lobie and Wyatt had reserved a getaway trip prior to Fall classes starting, before they knew I was driving out. So regretfully, I headed out Tuesday morning towards Great Smoky National Park, as they made final preparations for their flight.

There will be a westbound return trip and hopefully I will get to spend more time with my brothers and sisters as I head back to Portland.

Signing off for now 

1 comment:

  1. I think all 5 of us are so very lucky!
    love to all the Pebbles
    2 of 5


Creekside in Great Smoky Mountain

Creekside in Great Smoky Mountain